How many hours does SEO take?

How many hours does SEO take?

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SEO generally has 3 types.

On page seo

Off page seo

Technical seo (On ​​site seo)

Which seo do you want to do with these, it is decided how many hours it will take over this

On Page SEO – Due to the SEO plugin you use while writing a post (Yoast, RankMath), all the changes you make while writing a post comes in On Page SEO, it does not take much time.

Off Page SEO – Creating a backlink for your blog, it comes in Off Page SEO. It takes some time for me to get users from wherever you have created a backlink and to get the benefit of that backlink to your blog’s seo. Takes 2-3 days

Technical SEO – Whether your website is speed and mobile friendly, it all comes in Technical SEO, in this 15 minutes you can fix it

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